Full Body Calisthenics Workout - Yudae Wellness

Full Body Calisthenics Workout

We will cover:
What does good form look like?
Pull Ups
Push Ups
Reverse Lunges
Bodyweight Squat
A brief history of calisthenics


Upper Body Exercises and Form

The following exercises were created to demonstrate picture perfect form on each of the main movements of this workout. Please follow along with each video prior to attempting the workout to learn proper form, what the movement should look like, and what you should be feeling for.
You may also notice each video has an included timer. This is for you to use to time yourself. You may replay each video when practicing individual sets or exercises.

Pull Ups:




Upper Body Calisthenics Workout

This is an upper body calisthenics workout that was designed for anyone of any workout level. We can confidently say this because it uses only the most fundamental exercises in the workbook. Make sure to review proper form first before jumping in. Work hard and have fun.

Upper Body Calisthenics Exercises

reps: ≤ 6
sets: 1-3

Pull Up


Push Up



Lower Body Exercises and Form

This lower body workout was designed using calisthenics exercises. We put together a video guide to demonstrate picture perfect form for each movement.
Please follow along with each video prior to attempting the workout to learn proper form, what the movement should look like, and what you should be feeling for.

Reverse Lunges:

Bodyweight Squats:



Lower Body Calisthenics Workout

We can confidently recommend this workout if for anyone of any athletic level, because we only use basic exercises in the workbook. Make sure to review proper form first before jumping in. Work hard and have fun.

Lower Body Calisthenics Exercises

reps: ≤ 6
sets: 1-3

Reverse Lunge (left)

Reverse Lunge (right)

Squat (bodyweight)

How to build your own calisthenics workout?

Learn all these and 45 more with the free and easy to use Build Your Own Workout Guide


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